Invest Money

Continuous compounding nature of cash is very important in making you rich. Here's explaining what is compounding and definition of compound interest

Few things to consider when investing Rs.1000 or other small amount in share market for starters.Be it one time or regular investment check these

We look at some of the modern Pyramid and ponzi schemes that are doing the rounds making investors lose money.These include bitcoin scams & crypto fraud

Have you ever thought of Peer to peer (P2P) loans as a form of investment? P2P lending is becoming a hot topic among investors and you don't want to miss

Buying Mutual Funds is sexy again. Here is a review of ET Money app that makes it easy to invest in Mutual funds, NPS, Gold, buy insurance and get loans.

Do you have any money? Then you really need to understand concept of inflation.Read about it with lots of examples to show how inflation impacts investments

Here is a detailed review of The Sun exchange ( covering Pros, cons, how to invest, withdraw, stability, safety and more

Does it make sense for Indians to invest in High Yield Investment Program (HYIP)? Read about my experience with such programs and how much I got back

Here is a primer on Restricted Stock Units (RSU) what they are, how they work and the tax impact of receiving RSUs from your employer

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