November'19 has been a great month for my stock market investments. A total of Rs.6,694 profits have been made this month. More on what went right and wrong
In October I had to decide which mutual funds, debt funds to invest in and in what ratio. Here is how it went.
I started with a total of RS.1,50,000 in the stock markets. Here is how I have spread the money across stocks to ensure I get great returns
Here is all About Abhi. My story, my family, background, education. How Little Saves shaped up. And what 5-to-5-in-12 program means to me and why I am in it
To better follow my story and progress through 5-to-5-in-12 you need to know what my salary in India is and how much my expenditures and savings are.
Oct'19, here is my first update on my journey towards my investment goal of 5-to-5-in-12. Here is how much I am investing and how I spread my investments
5-to-5-in-12 program is an ambitious goal to get fincial independence akin to FIRE (FI and retire early). I write about my progress on 5-to-5-in-12 in India
Here is how my lifestyle in India was and now as I start my journey towards 5-to-5-in-12, I will be cutting back a bit but not too much
Like many other industries, betting and casino play has had its problems during the COVID-19 crisis. For instance, in the gambling center of Macau, revenue ...