Abhi’s FIRE Investment Portfolio | #AbhiOnFIRE #LittleSaves
Abhi’s Investment Portfolio – as of April’2023
- Gold is still going strong thanks to USA debt ceiling dilemma mostly. On that front the stock market too is going up and down like a heartbeat. We will know by the end of May’2023 on where this is going to end. My bets are on another extension of the ceiling, but in the off chance it does not happen I am being prepared to keep liquidity as stocks will be hit the most.
- Cryptos too are likely to benefit when the importance of USD diminishes. As of now Bitcoin is over 50% YTD but still nowhere next to it’s all time high.
- I have been able to find a new tenant fairly quickly. Rent too has been revised to Rs.29,000. So from June that will be a welcome increase.
- With my wife’s job abroad I have now an option to start looking at alternate investment options and platforms in a different country. Exploring for now, will write more on that soon.
- It does not look like I can quit my job and move abroad in the current job market. Looks like for 2023 and some part of 2024 too our family will need to make long distance work.
You can check out my earlier updates below.
What happened in Jan-March 2023
- With the current set of retrenchments and unstability in the IT sector, I have worked out an hybrid work from home arrangement with my employer. I will be spending about 3 months a year with my wife and daughter abroad and the remaining months in India. Hopefully this changes in 2024.
- A large part of the first three months of 2023 was spent in paying off debts, air ticket EMIs etc so very little in terms of savings in this time.
- Gold spiked up in this quarter. My GSBs have done pretty well with about 25% increase in value.
- My tenant has let me know that he will be vacating the house. So now need to start looking for a new tenant.
October’19 to December’2022 Updates
I’ve been tracking my FIRE Journey from October 2019, back when I had started out with Rs.5,00,000 and a goal to achieve Rs.5,00,00,000 to FIRE early. In the past I used to write one article per month to give my updates which later on changed to have one page on which my progress is updated every month.
So here is the list of old articles that tracked my progress in the past.
- October’19 – Stocks
- October’19 – Mutual Funds
- November’19 – Monthly Updates
- December’19 – Monthly Updates
- January’20 – Monthly Updates
- February’20 – Monthly Updates
- March’20 – Monthly Updates
- April’20 – Monthly Updates
- May’20 – Monthly Updates
- June’20 – Monthly Updates
- July’20 – Monthly Updates
- August’20 – Monthly Updates
- September’20 – Monthly Updates
- October’20 – Monthly Updates
- November’20 – Monthly Updates
- December’20 – Monthly Updates
- January’21 – Monthly Updates
- From 2021 onwards Monthly Updates were maintained on a single page
- Updates for the year 2021
- Updates for the year 2022
Abhi is a 32 years old engineer living in Bangalore. He’s on a mission to save Rs.5 Crores by age 40 to retire and do what he loves, no longer needing to worry about a job. He hopes to achieve financial independence by building a stream of passive income sources that make early retirement a possibility.
Time left to achieve FIRE Target
Current Month’s Investment Snapshot
Final Goal | Rs.5 Crores | wdt_ID |
FIRE Goals & Progress
Notes, discrepancies and things to keep in mind
Note 1: The big jump you see in my networth between May’21 to June’21 is due to me moving out and renting my house. As the property started earning rent, I included the equity (excluding the outstanding home loan) in my net worth
Note 2: You will see a disparity between my monthly income and how much I invest per month. This is due to me selling/shuffling investments and re-investing them. So when an earlier investment of Rs.1000 becomes Rs.1500 and I reinvest it somewhere else, the new investment is Rs.1500, the additional Rs.500 is not from my savings or salary, so it is possible to see my savings from Salary in a month is only Rs.X however I would have invested more than that.
My tracking can be improved I believe, perhaps over time I will tweak it. Feel free to suggest better ideas to me or ask for a particular addition by writing to me at abhi@littlesaves.com
Value of my Portfolio by Category
Asset Allocation
wdt_ID | Asset Class | Asset | Volatility | % of Portfolio | Target % | Current Value |
Better your Personal Finances

- Financial Independence: Learn to stop depending on your salary and get to a point where a full time job is just optional.
- Retire Early: Are you planning to work 9 to 5 till 65? Well Early retirement is a possibility and we show you how.
- Passive Income: Stop chasing money. With a good stream of passive income money follows you no matter how little work you do.
- Investing for Beginners: No jargons, here are easy steps that can get your mausi to start investing and making money multiply
- Money Management: Learn to manage money like a pro. Get the best of templates and tips to make your father in law jealous.
Property & Real Estate Investments
wdt_ID | Location | Type | Value of Property | Amount Paid Up | Rent Income/month | Loan End Date |
Passive Income per month
2020 – Total Passive income was Rs.1,86,471
2021 – Total Passive income was Rs.4,76,538
2022 – Total Passive income was Rs.4,15,703
*Note as I was not tracking monthly in the year 2022 only the total for the year 2022 is mentioned above
Alternate Investments
Other Investments
wdt_ID | Category | Invested | Current Value |
P2P Investments
Cashbacks & Rewards – Balance
wdt_ID | Cashback & Points Program | Current Balance (in INR) |
Cashbacks & Rewards – Redeemed
wdt_ID | Cashback & Points Program | Redeemed in 2020 | Redeemed in 2021 | Redeemed in 2022 | YTD 2023 |

Personal Finance Articles for the month
- Regular weekly articles covering all areas of Personal Finance in a simple easy to understand manner
- Detailed reviews on tools and platforms that help you track, invest or manage your money
- New excel templates, checklists and tools that allow you to be on top of your income and expenses
Join the community
- Be the first to know the best deals and offers that help you save money
- Learn cool tips and tricks around money that would make your father in law jealous
- Get motivation, inspiration and guidance to start your own FIRE journey

I am not a financial expert, nor am I certified to give investment advice. What you see here is completely my journey and what I am doing with my money. Take your actions at your own discretion and with care, after all it is your hard earned money and future.
Little saves is all about promoting the habit of saving, capitalizing on deals and cashbacks, putting your money to work for you and increasing your knowledge of personal finance. I never make any stock picks or which crypto currency to buy (I suck at it!), nor do I advice you to follow me. When you are on Little Saves, try to take away the good habits that worked for me, try to avoid the bad habits that did not work for me. Don’t try to mimic my investments as what worked for me may not work for you.
I do earn advertisement fees and link fees for some posts on Little Saves. This helps to partially cover my hosting charges and costs of maintaining the site. But, I never compromise or oversell anything for the income. 90% of everything that I talk about are those I personally invest in or use, having spent countless hours reading up, then investing my own money and finally bringing it to your notice via Little Saves.