Retirement Age Calculator – in Indian Rupees (INR)

Find out at what age you can retire based on your current savings, monthly saving and interest earned on savings. Plan for early retirement.
retirement age calculator

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Retirement Age Calculator

This calculator helps you decide how early or late you will be able to retire based on how much you need to retire, how much you have saved, how much you are planning to save every month and interest earned on savings.

Your Current Age

Enter you age as of today

Current Retirement Savings

Enter how much you have saved as of today.

Monthly Amount Invested

Enter how much money you plan to invest every month purely as savings towards early retirement.

Annual Interest rate

This is the interest rate you will be getting on the amount you saved and invested in order to retire early.

Amount at retirement

This is an important one. Mention how much money you need in order to retire early. As a simple way, you can apply the 4% rule to achieve this number. To do this, calculate your annual expenses. Then multiply that by 25. Eg: If my total monthly expenses is Rs.50,000, then annually I need 6,00,000 (Rs.50,000 X 12 months) to survive. 6,00,000 X 25 = Rs.1,50,00,000. This is the total amount I need to retire.

How to use the Retirement Age calculator

Once you have entered all the above fields, click on the blue button “Calc”. This will calculate your retirement age as well as, number of months to invest money, how much invested and interest earned in Indian Rupees (INR). You will also see the last deposit date, this is the date after which you can retire.

Other features in the Home loan EMI calculator

  • Payment Schedule: This will show the monthly EMI breakup along with how much of the EMI goes towards Principal and how much of it is for the interest throughout the loan tenure.
  • Print: This feature allows you to take a print of the details for easier reference
  • Charts: This gives you a visual representation of your loan, how much interest and principal needs to be paid and other interesting details

What is retirement planning?

Retirement planning is the preparation of finances for the period after retirement or when you stop working. Retirement is the end of the daily struggle for salaried persons. You can start planning from the very first day of your work. Proper planning will help you enjoy a financially stable life at retirement. You can do so easily by using the retirement age calculator which we are going to talk about shortly after.

It will reduce your dependence on your children or those who opt for not having children. Also, in today’s world relying on one source of income is risky like a pension.

Why is retirement Age calculation necessary?

Making an approximate calculation of your retiring age is important as it will prepare you for the future from today onwards.

  • It gives you an estimated idea at what age you will be ready to retire with your current income structure.
  • It will show a clear picture of your regular finances so that you can adjust accordingly to meet your post-retirement goals.
  • It is very easy to use and one has to put all the details such as age, monthly expenses, retiring age, and current investments.
  • It will of course give you a peaceful and stress-free life. That is the time when you are supposed to enjoy all the results of your life long hard-work.

Your Current Age

Enter how much you have saved as of today.

Enter how much money you plan to invest every month purely as savings towards early retirement.

Annual Interest rate

This is the interest rate you will be getting on the amount you saved and invested in order to retire early.

Amount at retirement

This is an important one. Mention how much money you need in order to retire early. As a simple way, you can apply the 4% rule to achieve this number. To do this, calculate your annual expenses. Then multiply that by 25. Eg: If my total monthly expenses is Rs.50,000, then annually I need 6,00,000 (Rs.50,000 X 12 months) to survive. 6,00,000 X 25 = Rs.1,50,00,000. This is the total amount I need to retire.

How to use the Retirement Age calculator

Once you have entered all the above fields, click on the blue button “Calc”. This will calculate your retirement age as well as, number of months to invest money, how much invested, and interest earned in Indian Rupees (INR). You will also see the last deposit date, this is the date after which you can retire.

Other features in the Home loan EMI calculator Payment Schedule: This will show the monthly EMI breakup along with how much of the EMI goes towards Principal and how much of it is for the interest throughout the loan tenure. Print: This feature allows you to take a print of the details for easier reference Charts: This gives you a visual representation of your loan, how much interest and principal needs to be paid, and other interesting details

Is it possible to retire early in India?

It is ABSOLUTELY possible to retire early in India. A lot of people have done it on regular salary and non-Millionnaire parents. Little Saves shows the journey to retire by age 40 with total savings of Rs.5,00,00,000 (5 crores).

At what age can I retire?

This depends on how much money you need to survive every month and how fast you can save up a corpus of investments that can give you these monthly returns. Eg: If you need Rs.50,000 per month for living expenses, then you need savings and a corpus that will give returns (plus a partial drawdown) to support this per month.

The easiest way to calculate how much you need to retire is using the 4% rule. This rule assumes that you withdraw 4% of your corpus (adjusted for inflation) on a yearly basis. So to calculate how much you need, multiply your annual expenses by 25. Eg, if you spend Rs.1,00,000 per month, then you need Rs.12,00,000 per year. Multiply this by 25. You will need Rs.3,00,00,000 (Rs.3 crores) to retire.

How to retire earlier?

Once you have decided how much you need for retirement, you have two options to retire earlier. You can save more by earning more, doing side jobs, freelancing and also cut down on expenses. Alternately, you can cut down on your expenses during retirement (Lean FIRE or firing lean) to reduce the corpus you need for retirement.

Is it possible to retire early in India?

It is ABSOLUTELY possible to retire early in India. Lot of people have done it on regular salary and non-Millionnaire parents. Little Saves shows the journey to retire by age 40 with total savings of Rs.5,00,00,000 (5 crores).

At what age can I retire?

This depends on how much money you need to survive every month and how fast you can save up a corpus of investments that can give you this monthly returns. Eg: If you need Rs.50,000 per month for living expenses, then you need savings and a corpus that will give returns (plus a partial drawdown) to support this per month.

How can I calculate the money I need for retirement?

The easiest way to calculate how much you need to retire is using the 4% rule. This rule assumes that you withdraw 4% of your corpus (adjusted for inflation) on a yearly basis. So to calculate how much you need, multiply your Annual expenses by 25. Eg, if you spend Rs.1,00,000 per month, then you need Rs.12,00,000 per year. Multiply this by 25. You will need Rs.3,00,00,000 (Rs.3 crores) to retire.

How to retire earlier?

Once you have decided how much you need for retirement, you have two options to retire earlier. You can save more by earning more, doing side jobs, freelancing and also cut down on expenses. Alternately, you can cut down on your expenses during retirement (Lean FIRE or firing lean) to reduce the corpus you need for retirement.

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Abhi is a 29 yr old Indian, on FIRE to retire by 40. He has been investing and learning Finance for the past 12 years. After completing Mechanical engineering, he started working in a multi-national Bank and grew to become an AVP. Currently with an IT MNC as a VP. He lives in Bangalore with his wife and their 1 year old daughter. In his free time, Abhi loves to game on the Xbox, watch movies, read and blog.

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