Indian investment blog

August'20 saw a flurry of activities. I only managed to save about 4.5K but, there was a lot of shuffling in my investment portfolio. Read on

Here is a set of questions and answers on National pension scheme explaining the what and how of NPS, long term investment in it as well as tax savings

Here's my July'20 update. I saved 17K last month and my total savings is almost 20lakhs. Still a long way towards FIRE and Financial Independence in India.

November'19 mutual funds investments have been decent overall. Not as much as expected, still not too bad. Details on Side pocketing by fund houses and more

Here is all About Abhi. My story, my family, background, education. How Little Saves shaped up. And what 5-to-5-in-12 program means to me and why I am in it

Little Saves