Tools & Calculators

Here is a simple Gratuity calculator to calculate how much gratuity money you will receive and also if you are eligible for gratuity

Here is a simple education loan calculator to calculate how much EMI you need to pay on the loan you have taken for higher studies in Indian Rupees (INR)

Here is a simple HRA calculator to calculate how much Tax exemption you can apply for on your house rent allowance (HRA) in India.

Find out the cost of Litecoin crypto currency in Indian Rupees. See the charts for 1 week, 1 month, 1 year and lifetime movement of LTC in INR

Find out the cost of Ethereum crypto currency in Indian Rupees. See the charts for 1 week, 1 month, 1 year and lifetime movement of ETH in INR

salary slip format for paying wages to maid, servant or helper at your house. Use the template to enter details when giving their monthly payment

Here is a sample template for a driver salary slip if you are paying your driver and wish to take signature for tax and record purposes.

This savings calculator helps you calculate total money saved over a period of time and return on your investments in indian rupees (inr).

This calculator helps you calculate how much money you will have at the time of retirement based on current savings and future monthly savings and interest

Find out how much money you need to save to reach your early retirement goals. This calculator tells how much to save monthly based on current investments

Find out at what age you can retire based on your current savings, monthly saving and interest earned on savings. Plan for early retirement.

Calculate the monthly EMIs and payment for home loans and house mortgages.Calculator shows payment schedule and charts of principal, interest and total.

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