Abhi’s FIRE Investment Portfolio | Updates till 2021

Abhi’s Investment Portfolio – as of December’2021

  • Wow, another year done! Wish you all a very happy New Year and may 2022 be a very prosperous and enlightening year for you.
  • At the start of the year I was at a net worth of about Rs.24 lakhs and by the end my net worth is at Rs.68 lakhs. Major contributor is the fact that I have moved in with my parents and rented my house. Which means about Rs.27 lakhs (the value of my property) got added to my net worth as now it is a rental home. Nevertheless, leaving this out, I still closed the year with an increase of about Rs.17 lakhs which is about the entire salary I earn in a year (post tax).
  • In December my wife quit all freelance work to focus on our daughter and home. This means going forward I will be the sole income earner for the foreseeable future. But it is a worthy tradeoff. Our daughter is extremely active and absorbs everything like a sponge. Not yet 3 years old, she communicates very well in two languages, can read, spell and is learning to write. We felt having someone spend more time with her is good for her future.
  • In December’21 I cashed out on 24000 American Express points to get Rs.9000 in cash. But then again, I had some unforeseen expenses in the form of car (needed repainting 🙁 ) and some purchases which ate this up very quickly.
  • In 2021 I realize I made a total of Rs.1,26,340 in the form of Cashbacks and loyalty point redemptions. This is as much as one month salary for me. So being mindful of my spending and maximising has effectively helped me earn 13 months of salary compared to my colleagues who only get 12 months 🙂 Jokes aside, there is merit to being watchful of how you spend money and making use of the offers and opportunities.
  • Also, the Rs.1,26,340 I mention is only cash backs and loyalty reward points. Most of my purchases are timed around sales and offer periods. Eg: The Big Billion sale etc. Which means the products I buy are much cheaper than usual. Meaning I save a lot there too, but that is not easily quantifiable.
  • 2021 saw a lot of diversification in my portfolio. I started tracking things more effectively. Physical gold, Corporate deposits (Gripinvest and TradeCred) and additional crypto assets were the main additions this year.
  • I continue to save about 70% of my monthly income (post tax salary and passive income put together).
  • About 20% of my income is passive in nature. If I were to quit my job I will still be earning this 20% with minimal effort. In the coming years, the compounding of my investments should pay off and increase this ratio bringing this closer to 50% making it possible for me to FIRE!
  • Technically since I only need about 30% of my income for my expenses and since I already earn 20% of my income passively, I can actually retire much earlier. But that is a very risky proposition as I may find myself very quickly looking for a job if one of my passive income stream is to fail. Eg a tenant wishes to vacate which means I receive no rent for a few months etc.
  • I have a little under 10 years (by year 2030) to reach my target of Rs.5 Crores. It does not look easy at this point of time and it is that challenge that makes this whole journey interesting.
  • Thank you for following my journey and your patience and support. I look forward to continue tracking and writing on littlesaves.com!

You can check out my earlier updates below.

What happened in November’21

What happened in September’21

What happened in August’21:

What happened in July’21:

What happened in June’21:

What happened in May’21:

October’19 to May’21:



Abhi is a 30 years old engineer living in Bangalore. He’s on a mission to save Rs.5 Crores by age 40 to retire and do what he loves, no longer needing to worry about a job. He hopes to achieve financial independence by building a stream of passive income sources that make early retirement a possibility.

Abhi's FIRE Investment Portfolio | Updates till 2021

Current Month’s Investment Snapshot

Final Goal Rs.5 Crores wdt_ID

FIRE Goals & Progress​

Final GoalRs.5 Crores
Current ValueRs. 67,73,333
Goal Achieved13.55%
This month’s Passive IncomeRs.41,556
% saved from monthly income71%
% of income from passive sources27%
Time left118 of 144

Notes, discrepancies and things to keep in mind

Total portfolio value increased by 23 lakhs in June’21 as I rented out my home and added the value of the property in my total assets. Read June’21 above for details.

Value of my Portfolio by Category​

Abhi's FIRE Investment Portfolio | Updates till 2021

Asset Allocation

Asset ClassAssetVolatility% of PortfolioTarget %Current Value
EquityIndian StocksHigh220167,565.00
EquityForeign StocksHigh22137,788.00
EquityEquity Linked FundsMedium48281,540.00
Fixed IncomeRetirement FundsLow915592,696.00
Fixed IncomeGold BondsLow18101,191,642.00
Fixed IncomeFixed DepositsLow0025,521.00
Fixed IncomeDebt FundLow73476,480.00
Fixed IncomeCorporate DebtMedium35216,574.00
CashP2P LoansMedium35200,960.00
CashCash in HandLow30185,981.00
CashLiquid FundLow020.00
CashLoyalty & Reward PointsLow1183,439.00
CashLoans TakenLow-30-225,000.00
Real EstateRental PropertyMedium43202,945,316.00
Real EstateREITsMedium030.00
CommoditiesPhysical Gold & SilverLow21108,100.00
CryptoCrypto AssetsHigh65384,732.00

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– My stocks, positions/P&L
– detailed alternate investments
– Crypto Holdings/P&L
– Deals and Offers I used
– Cashbacks I earned, made use of
….and more

Better your Personal Finances

better personal finances

  • Financial Independence​: Learn to stop depending on your salary and get to a point where a full time job is just optional.​
  • Retire Early: Are you planning to work 9 to 5 till 65? Well Early retirement is a possibility and we show you how.​
  • Passive Income: Stop chasing money. With a good stream of passive income money follows you no matter how little work you do.​
  • Investing for Beginners: No jargons, here are easy steps that can get your mausi to start investing and making money multiply​
  • Money Management​: Learn to manage money like a pro. Get the best of templates and tips to make your father in law jealous.​

Property & Real Estate Investments

LocationTypeValue of PropertyAmount Paid UpRent Income/monthLoan End Date
Bangalore2 BHK Apartment52000002,514,00021,00002 Apr 2029
Bangalore3 BHK Apartment (under construction,2024 delivery)4850000431,316031 Aug 2033

Passive Income per month​

Abhi's FIRE Investment Portfolio | Updates till 2021
2019 – Total Passive income was Rs.1,28,203
2020 – Total Passive income was Rs.1,86,471
2021 – Total Passive income was Rs.4,76,538

Alternate Investments​

CategoryInvestedCurrent Value
Sun Exchange33,42236,150
Minimum Income Plan255,000250,000
Temp Loan to invest in Stocks@14%00
Rental deposits @0%-225,000-225,000
Cash (for Emergency) @4% pa185,981185,981
Grip Invest50,00051,830
Fixed Deposit @5.5%25,00025,521
Physical Gold & Silver64,610108,100

P2P Investments​

Abhi's FIRE Investment Portfolio | Updates till 2021

Cashbacks & Rewards – Balance​

Cashback & Points ProgramCurrent Balance (in INR)
American Express Points2,533
Flipkart Supercoins & Vouchers1,336
Hotels & Stay points2,593
Other points programs2,200
IOC Rewards22
Play Rewards850

Cashbacks & Rewards – Redeemed​

Cashback & Points ProgramRedeemed in 2020Redeemed YTD in 2021
American Express Points16,00025,000
All other Credit Cards17,92719,731
Flipkart Supercoins & Vouchers7,64226,528
Other points programs287750
Paytm Cashbacks31172
Amazon Pay Card+Cashbacks9,73513,987
Play Rewards1300

personal finance articles

Personal Finance Articles for the month​


I am not a financial expert, nor am I certified to give investment advice. What you see here is completely my journey and what I am doing with my money. Take your actions at your own discretion and with care, after all it is your hard earned money and future.

Little saves is all about promoting the habit of saving, capitalizing on deals and cashbacks, putting your money to work for you and increasing your knowledge of personal finance. I never make any stock picks or which crypto currency to buy (I suck at it!), nor do I advice you to follow me. When you are on Little Saves, try to take away the good habits that worked for me, try to avoid the bad habits that did not work for me. Don’t try to mimic my investments as what worked for me may not work for you.

I do earn advertisement fees and link fees for some posts on Little Saves. This helps to partially cover my hosting charges and costs of maintaining the site. But, I never compromise or oversell anything for the income. 90% of everything that I talk about are those I personally invest in or use, having spent countless hours reading up, then investing my own money and finally bringing it to your notice via Little Saves.

Little Saves